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Campus History

The Campus operates at a former military base now known as the Pinal Airpark just north of Tucson, Arizona. This facility has a long and colorful history dating back to its construction in 1942.


The base was first used under the command of the 389th Army Air Force and used as a training facility in support of the 50,000 Pilot Training Program. It was then used throughout the 1950's as a training center for the United States Air Force.


In the 1960's and 70's the base became the headquarters of all Central Intelligence Agency air operations throughout the Vietnam War years, when it was the primary facility of Intermountain Airlines, a wholly owned CIA "front" company which was used to supply covert operations in Southeast Asia & elsewhere. Intermountain was infamous for its thinly veiled CIA special ops which included development & use of the Fulton Skyhook, but its cover was its non-scheduled freight & maintenance operations. The base was the principal continental United States maintenance base for Southeast Asia CIA operations including Air America and Continental Air Services.


From the 1980's to until present day the base has been used by various military units, state and federal government agencies and private contractors as a center for a variety of different types of training.



389th Army Air Force; cira 1945

389th Army Air Force; cira 1945

Air America, Vietnam

cira 1969

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